Media Center

All Songs /Playlists / Artists/

6. Touch the name of the song you

Genres/ Albums/Manage My

want to hear to start the music

Music/ Music Settings/ Music





Music Player Controls


Play All

Allows you to play all songs.

All Songs

Allows you to view all of your songs alphabetically.


Touch a song to play it.

Allows you to view and play your songs by playlist.


Playlists can be created on either your phone or PC


then transferred between them, but Playlists can only


be managed (add and delete songs) from where they


were created. If you create a playlist on your PC,


make sure to generate it through V CAST Music with


Rhapsody so that you can transfer it to your phone.

Allows you to view and play your songs grouped by




Allows you to view and play songs by genre.


Allows you to view and play songs by album.

Manage My Music

Allows you to manage your music files. (Erase/ Move


to Card/ Move to Phone/ Lock/ Unlock)

Music Settings


: Allows you to set one of the following modes:

Repeat All : Repeats the playlist once the last song is played.

Repeat One : Plays the selected song repeatedly.

Repeat Off : Plays all songs in the list once, then stops and exits the Music Player.


Shuffle On : Shuffles music files in the songs list and plays them in random order.


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LG Electronics VX8575 manual Play All, All Songs, Playlists, Artists, Genres, Albums, Manage My Music, Music Settings