Kit No. GK62-00002-0070
Document No. M051-00K62-A199
08 Sep
Fig 6: Installing the Oilite washer
Fig 7: applying Loctite to the deadshaft
Fig 8: applying Loctite to the rocker arm
9. The kit contains Oilite washers in two
thicknesses. Slip one of the thinner Oilite
washers onto the deadshaft as shown in
Figure 6.
10. Wipe the deadshaft with the supplied
alcohol wipe. Save the wipe; it will be
used later in this procedure and during
the second rocker arm installation.
11. Apply a bead of green Loctite #620 thread
locking compound from the supplied
applicator tube all the way around the
deadshaft, about an inch (3 cm) from the
end (see Figure 7). Do not use more than
half of the compound in the tube.
12. Apply the remaining Loctite around the
inner surface of the rocker arm sleeve (see
Figure 8). Keep the compound at least an
inch (3 cm) from the edge of the sleeve to
avoid getting any compound on the new