English Manual
English 8
Starting the SteelVine Manageer
Click Start > Program Files > Silicon Image > 57XX SteelVine >Ste elVineManager. Once started, the SteelVine Manager Application icon can be found inn the Notification Tray located at the bottom right haand corner of the screen. Double click thee notification tray icon to open the SteelVine Managger GUI status window. The SteelVine Maanager icon remains active in the notification tray even if you close the SteelVine Manager window. It can be closed by
The SteelVine Manager starts with the Status Window visible so you can monitor the SteelVine Storage Referencce Designs connected to the host computter. Up to four SteelVine Storage Referencce Designs can be managed through a siingle session. When the SteelVine Storage Reference Design is set to GUI mode, you can access the Basic Configuration Wizard from the Status window. From there, you can optionally use the Advanced Configuration Wizard to create
Select menu options and follow the instructions in the remainder of this guuide to configure SteelVine Storage Reference Deesigns. When prompted, enter the administrative password (default password is admin).