Dual Mode Cordless Phone for Yahoo! Messenger with Voice
Install the PC Phone Software
Run the Setup Wizard on the
Running the Setup Wizard
1.Insert the Setup
2.The Setup Wizard will automatically run. Follow the
If the Setup Wizard does not automatically run, click Start. Click Run. In the field provided, enter D:\SetupWizard.exe (if “D” is the letter of your
3.When the installation is complete, a shortcut icon will appear on your desktop. If your PC runs Windows 2000, you may need to restart your PC.
4.If you have a Yahoo! ID you can sign in. If you do not have a Yahoo! ID, you will need to create one (it’s free at http://messenger.yahoo.com).
Adjusting the Speaker Volume
To manually adjust the speaker volume on your PC, follow the instructions for your operating system.
Windows XP
1.Click Start and select Control Panel.
2.Click Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices, and then click Sound and Audio Devices.
3.Click the Audio tab. From the Sound Playback
Figure 3-5: Sample of the Setup
Wizard screens
Chapter 3: Get Connected
Install the PC Phone Software