Linksys E1000
Wireless > Wireless MAC Filter
Wireless access can be filtered (restricted) by specifying the MAC addresses of the devices in your wireless network..
Wireless > Wireless MAC Filter
Wireless MAC Filter
Enabled/Disabled To filter wireless users by the MAC addresses of their computers or devices, select Enabled.. Otherwise, keep the default, Disabled..
Access Restriction
Prevent PCs listed below from accessing the wireless network Select this option to block wireless access by MAC address.. This option is enabled by default..
Permit PCs listed below access to the wireless network Select this option to allow wireless access by MAC address.. This option is disabled by default..
MAC Address Filter List
Wireless Client List Click this option to open the Wireless Client List screen..
Chapter 3: Advanced Configuration
Wireless Client List
Wireless Client List
This screen shows computers and other devices on the wireless network.. The list can be sorted by Client Name, Interface, IP Address, MAC Address, and Status..
Select Save to MAC Address Filter List for any device you want to add to the MAC Address Filter List.. Then click Add..
To update the
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Changes to clear your changes..
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