Manually Installing the Drivers in Windows 98 |
| Manually Installing the Drivers in Windows Millennium |
Manually Installing the Drivers in Windows 2000
Manually Installing the Drivers in Windows XP
A.If you haven’t already done so, start up your PC. Windows 98 will automatically detect the presence of the Adapter in your PC.
B.Insert the Setup Utility CD into your
C.Select Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended), and click Next.
A.If you haven’t already done so, start up your PC. Windows Millennium will automati- cally detect the presence of the Adapter in your PC.
B.Insert the Setup Utility CD into your
C.Select Specify the location of the driver (Advanced) and click Next.
A. If you haven’t already done so, start up your PC. Windows 2000 will automatically detect the presence of the Adapter in your PC and display the Found New Hardware Wizard box. Click Next to continue.
B.Insert the Setup Utility CD into your CD- ROM drive while the Install Hardware Device Drivers dialog box appears. Select
Search for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended), and click Next.
A.Power up your PC and start Windows XP in Classic Mode with Administrative Rights.
B.Insert the Setup Utility
D. Select Specify a location and enter D:\Drivers\win98 in the
D.Select Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended) and choose Specify a location. Enter D:\drivers in the
C.The Locate Driver Files dialog box will appear. Select Specify a location, and click Next.
C.One the next screen, select Search for the best driver in these locations. Verify that the Search removable media option is unchecked. Check the box next to Include this location in the search and type the driver location of D:\driv- ers\winxp in the
E. A window will open, notifying you that Windows is searching for the EtherFast 10/100 Managed Network Adapter driver. When the window notifies you that it is ready to install the driver, click Next.
F.Windows will finish installing the software onto your PC. Click the Finish button.
G.When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove the Setup Utility CD and click Yes. If you are using the Windows
H.If Windows does not ask you to restart your PC, click Start, choose Shut Down, choose Restart, and click Yes.
E.A window will open, notifying you that Windows is searching for the EtherFast 10/100 Managed Network Adapter driver. When the window notifies you that it is ready to install the driver, click Next.
F.If Windows Millennium files are requested, click OK and direct Windows to the proper location, e.g. C:\windows\options\install, or D:\win9x (where “D” represents your CD- ROM drive). If Windows asks you to supply any drivers beginning with “lne” or “lne100m”,
G.When Windows finishes installing the software onto your PC, click Finish.
H.When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove any disks from your PC and click Yes. If Windows does not prompt you to restart, do so manually. Click Start, select Shutdown, choose Restart, and click OK.
D. When the Found New Hardware Wizard box appears, enter D:\drivers\win2000 in the “Copy manufacturer’s files from” field and click OK
E.When the Driver File Search Results dialog box appears, click Next.
F.When the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box appears, click Finish.
The Windows 2000 manual driver installation is complete. To configure Windows
2000’s network components, refer to your Windows documentation
D. Once the driver is installed, click the Finish button.
The Windows XP manual driver installation is complete. To configure Windows XP’s
network components, refer to your Windows documentation
The Windows 98 manual driver installation is complete. To configure Windows 98’s | The Windows Millennium manual driver installation is complete. To configure |
network components, refer to the User Guide or consult your Windows documenta- | Windows Millennium’s network components, refer to the User Guide or consult your |
tion. | Windows documentation. |