EtherFast®10/100 Bridge and USBAdapter
1. Windows Millennium will automatically detect the presence of the USB
Adapter in your computer after you have completed the hardware installa-
tion. Windows will ask you the location of the USB driver files. Enter
C:\Program Files\Linksys\USB Driversin the Copy files from: field (if
“C” is the letter of your hard drive). Then click the OK button to install the
USB driver.
The Windows Millennium driver installation is now complete.
Proceed to Chapter 10:Using the Instant PowerLine Security
Configuration Utility.
Windows Millennium
Figure 9-9
Instant PowerLineTM Series
1. Windows 2000 will automatically detect the presence of the USB Adapter
in your computer after you have completed the hardware installation.
Windows will inform you that there was no digital signature found. Click
the Yes button to install the USB driver.
The Windows 2000 driver installation is now complete.
Proceed to Chapter 10:Using the Instant PowerLine Security
Configuration Utility.
Windows 2000
Figure 9-8