EtherFast®10/100 Bridge and USBAdapter
Chapter 5: Planning YourPowerline NetworkWith the Instant PowerLine products, a network can be created using home
powerlines. Computers can be networked over pow erlines using a USB Adapter
or an EtherFast 10/100 Bridge. Use the USB Adapter for a USB-enabled com-
puter, or use the 10/100 Bridge for an Ethernet-enabled computer.
The 10/100 Bridge is also ideal for any user who already has a router and wants
to share high-speed Internet access across the powerline network. Connect the
Bridge to the router after you have configured the Bridge using the Security
Configuration Utility. Connect a straight-through UTPCategory 5 cable to the
uplink port of the router, or connect a crossover UTPCategory 5 cable to a
LAN port on the router.
PowerLine Status
Power Green. The Power LED will light up when the PowerLine
USBAdapter is powered on.
Link Green. The LinkLED will light up when the PowerLine USB
Adapter is powered on.
Activity Green. The ActivityLED will light up when there is power-
line network traffic.
Collision Orange. The CollisionLED flashes when there is a collision.
EtherFast®10/100 Bridge
The USB Adapter’s Front Panel LEDs
Figure 4-5
Figure 5-1