8) Language
This menu allows you to select the language to be used on the MicroTrack 24/96 display. More languages will be added in later
firmware updates.
9) Factory Defaults
Entering this menu option will allow you to reset all of the MicroTrack 24/96’s internal settings to the original factory defaults. (This also
resets the internal counter for file names, so the next file you record will attempt to be “File0001.wav”.) When you enter this menu, you
will be presented with a confirmation message stating “Return all setting to factory defaults? Press the NAV wheel to confirm.” Press in
on the [NAV] wheel to restore the defaults. If you want to cancel this operation, press [MENU] to exit.
10) Firmware Update
From time to time, M-Audio may release updates to the operating system for the MicroTrack 24/96. Directions for using this feature to
update the firmware will be included with the update files you download from the M-Audio website (www.m-audio.com).
11) Version
Entering this menu will show the current operating system version. There are no adjustable settings in this menu option.
12) Contrast
This setting adjusts the contrast of the MicroTrack 24/96 display. Simply press up or down on the [NAV] wheel to adjust this value. Higher
values will result in a darker display. Press in on the [NAV] wheel when finished.
13) About
Contains copyright notices about technology used in the MicroTrack 24/96.
3 - Hardware Controls and Indicators