ProKeys 88sx User Guide
2.11.2 Data Entry
Some of the Advanced Functions require data entry. When in Edit mode, you can use keys F3 to B4 for data entry. Pressing ENTER will select the
data value you have entered and your ProKeys 88sx will return to Performance mode. Alternatively you can press CANCEL, which will return your
ProKeys 88sx to Performance mode and ignore any entries you may have made.
The following tables define Advanced Functions that require data entry, and the range of the data you can enter:
Key Advanced Function Data Range
F#2 Wheel Assign 0-131
G#2 Pedal Assign 0-131
A#2 Slider Assign 0-131
F#3 Program 0-127
G#3 Bank LSB 0-127
A#3 Bank MSB 0-127
If you enter a value that is out of range for the Advanced Function you have selected to edit, the last two digits you entered will be used as the
assigned value if you press Enter to confirm. For example, if you are editing the Wheel Assign value and you enter 135, the value 35 will be accepted
if you then press enter.
The Default key (F3) is a data entry key that sets the parameter you are editing back to its default value, which is the value that the parameter has at
power up. The default key also has the effect of immediately returning the ProKeys 88sx back to Performance mode.
2.11.3 Enter Keys
The Enter key is located at the end of the data entry keys, key C5. When the Enter key is pressed, Performance mode resumes. Any parameter
selected for editing will be updated with any valid data values entered on the data entry keys. If Enter is pressed without having entered a data
value, the parameter remains unchanged.
2.11.4 Cancel
Key C1 is the Cancel key. Pressing the Cancel key in Edit mode will exit Edit mode. Performance mode resumes. If any data entry was currently
underway, the value entered is ignored.
2.11.5 Slider Assign
To assign the Volume slider to a different MIDI Controller message:
< Press the Advanced Functions button.
< Press the Slider Assign function key, key A#3 (see Appendix B).
< Use the white data entry keys, F2 to A3 to enter the number of the Bank LSB or MSB message you want to send.
< Press C5 to accept the value and return to Performance Mode.
The Volume slider can be assigned a controller number from 0 to 131. Please see appendix C for more detail.
Note: pressing the Default key during data entry will cause the slider to become assigned to Master Volume.
2.11.6 Pedal Assign
To assign the Expression pedal to a different MIDI Controller message:
< Press the Advanced Functions button.
< Press the Pedal Assign function key, key G#3 (see Appendix B).
< Use the white data entry keys, F3 to B4 to enter the number of the controller you wish to assign to the pedal (see appendix C).
< Press C5 to accept the value and return to Performance mode.
The Expression pedal can be assigned a controller number from 0 to 131. Please see appendix C for more detail.
: pressing the Default key during data entry will cause the pedal to become assigned to Expression (controller 11).
2.11.7 Wheel Assign
To assign the Modulation wheel to a different MIDI Controller message:
< Press the Advanced Functions button.
< Press the Modulation wheel function key, key F#3 (see Appendix B).
< Use the white data entry keys, F3 to B4 to enter the number of the controller you wish to assign to the wheel (see appendix C).
< Press C5 to accept the value and return to Performance Mode.
The Modulation wheel can be assigned a controller number from 0 to 131. Please see appendix C for more detail.
Note: pressing the ‘default key’ during data entry will cause the wheel to become assigned to Modulation (controller 1).
Part 2: The ProKeys 88sx as a MIDI Controller