Post-Production Setup
The Digital 8•Bus is an amazing tool, no matter what the setup. However, the more complex the setup, the more amazing the D8B be- comes.
In order for the D8B to follow external word clock, an Apogee Clock I/O card is required. With the Clock I/O card installed, the available sample clock options increase. The D8B will slave to most any clock source from 32kHz to 48kHz.
This is also the type of setup that might be found in a home studio that incorporates a central sync generator.
Bouncing/Summing Using Bus Outs
You may find that you need to free up some more tracks to get everything to fit. You can do a submix and combine several tracks into one (or two) using the BUS
Maybe you have six separate tracks for the kick drum, snare drum, cymbals left, cymbals right, tom 1, and tom 2. You can free up five extra tracks by bouncing these down to one track, or free up four extra tracks if you want to bounce them down to a stereo pair of tracks.
The following steps show an example of how to bounce tracks
1.Select Fader Bank 2 by clicking the TAPE button next to the Master Fader.
2.Turn off the
3.Click and hold on the “1” button at the top of channel 1. Sweep across to channel 6 to assign channels
4.Click and hold on the “2” button at the top of channel 6. Sweep across to channel 1 to assign channels
5.Click the MASTERS button next to the Master Fader to select Fader Bank 4.
6.Click and hold on the OUT box at the top of BUS 1 (channel 89). Drag down to “Tape Out 7” to assign Bus 1 to the multitrack record device track number 7.
7.Click and hold on the OUT box at the top of BUS 2 (channel 90). Drag down to “Tape Out 8” to assign Bus 2 to the multitrack record device track number 8.
8.On the recording device, select record ready on the tracks 7 and 8.
9.Play the song while recording tracks onto the multitrack.
10.With the original 6 channels muted, monitor the bounced track on the D8B TAPE IN bank (channels 31 and 32).
D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 128