The Analyzer Panel













dB Range Magnifier


Graph Type




Post EQ



dB Reference Window


Graph Speed Select


Pre EQ



The Analyzer Window

The analyzer window is represented by thirty-one bar graphs that correspond to the same thirty-one sliders of the graphic EQ section. The Analyzer displays a frequency spectrum from 20Hz to 20kHz with a range that runs from –40 dBr to +20 dBr or –24 dBr to +12 dBr. The reference point is 0 dBfs in the D8B.

The dB Range Magnifier

The dB Range Magnifier, represented by the magnifying glass icon/dB symbol button, switches the analyzer viewing range between –40 dBr to +20 dBr (a 60 dB range) and –24 dBr to +20 dBr (a 44 dB range) for fine-tuning.

The dB Reference Window

The dB reference window, found just to the right of the Range Magnifier, is used to select a dB reference point relative to

0 dBfs found in the D8B. Adjusting the reference point will change the relationship of the graph display relative to 0 dBr, giving you specific analysis information pertaining to your signal. The reference select range is from 0 dB to –60 dB. Adjust the dB Reference value to raise or lower the entire display (for instance, to boost the whole spectrum up to determine the lowest level frequencies).

Graph Type

The Graph Type window enables the selection of different graph types (Bar, Peak Hold, Point, Peak Diff., and Peak Bar) to suit your analyzer view preference.



User’s Guide