Factory Presets

The following table is a simple guideline to help you understand the factory presets, and which type of source file was applied to the individual presets. But don't be afraid to run anything through the plug-in preset and customize the parameters to your specific needs, and save it as a user preset. So get creative and have fun! Please visit www.acumalabs.com periodically to download more audio examples and free presets.


Preset Name



Analyze Fast

Sets Analyzer bar graphs to

Good for general noise


respond quickly.


Analyze feedback

Sets Analyzer to identify peaks

Adjust your reference dB


where potential feedback is likely

to peak at the point of


to occur.

feedback. Adjust the EQ



band that corresponds to



the peak (light blue).

Analyze Medium

Sets Analyzer bar graphs to medium Good for general noise


response speed.


Analyze Mix 1

Check your mix.

A good overall analyzer



for full mix.

Analyze Mix 2

Check your mix.

A good overall analyzer



for full mix.

Analyze Mix Rain

Sets Analyzer bar graphs to show

Impress your clients with


Peak Difference.

cool graphics!

Analyze Slow

Sets Analyzer bar graphs to slow

Use to check out live



sound with Pink Noise.

Analyze Tone

Sine Wave or Tone test setup.

Find resonant peaks using

Graphic EQ


test tones or tone sweeps.



Preset Name



EQ 60Hz Removal

Removes the 60Hz band associated

This is the spot.


with noisy track or power hum.


EQ Air

5k to 20k boost

Brighten your mix.

EQ Bass Boost

Slight boost from 20Hz to 160Hz.

Beef up the bottom.

EQ Big Bottom

20Hz to 80Hz full boost (+12dB).

Over the top bottom end.


100Hz to 20K are at –12dB.


EQ Drum Kit

Good drum kit EQ.

This works great.

EQ High + Low

Slight boost of bottom and top end.

Give me more.

EQ Lo Fi

Boost from 400Hz to 2.5K.

Boom Box.

EQ Top End

Boost from 2.5K to 20K.

Brighten it up.



User’s Guide