LifeBook E Series – Section Two
Figure 2-13 Double-clicking
DRAGGINGDragging means pressing and holding the left button,
while moving the cursor. To drag, move the cursor to
the item you wish to move. Press and hold the left
button while moving the item to its new location
and then release it.
Figure 2-14 Dragging
ERGOTRAC CONTROL ADJUSTMENTThe Windows Control Panel allows you to customize your
ErgoTrac with selections made from within the Mouse
Properties dialog box. There are four aspects of the
ErgoTrac operation which you can adjust:
■Buttons: This tab lets you set up the buttons for
right or left handed operation, in addition to
setting up the time interval allowed between
clicks when double-clicking.
■Pointers: This tab lets you set up the scheme for
the cursor depending on its functionality.
■Motion: This tab lets you set up a relation between
the speed of your finger motion and the speed of the
cursor. It also allows you to enable a Pointer Trail for
the cursor arrow.
■General: This tab allows you to choose the type of
mouse you are utilizing. Your notebook is setup to use
the ErgoTrac pointing device. If you wish to use an
external mouse you will need to change the settings.
If the interval between clicks is too long, double-clicking
will not be executed.
Parameters for the ErgoTrac can be adjusted from the
Mouse Properties dialog box located in the Windows
Control Panel.