Getting to Know Your LifeBook
UNINSTALLING THE SECURITY APPLICATION PANELYou have two options when uninstalling the security
panel application:
■Uninstall the security panel application software.
This will disable all security feature.
■Uninstall the security panel application with
password still active. This will not allow any
changes to the password.
Uninstall The Security Panel Application Software
Remove passwords when User wants no password
protection whatsoever and doesn’t want to give anybody
the tool to set a password on their computer. In this case,
if passwords (supervisor, user, or both) are set, the pass-
words must first be cleared BEFORE removing the appli-
cation. To clear passwords, follow same procedure in
SETTING PASSWORD CODES except this time, select
REMOVE, enter current password then click next. When
asked to confirm say YES.
Removing Security Panel Application with
Passwords Still Active
Using this feature will not allow any changes to
the password.
1. Go to Start Menu, Click on Control Panel.
2. Open Add/Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application in the list, and
click Add/Remove.
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes.
1. Go to Start Menu, Click on Control Panel.
2. Open Add/Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application for
Supervisor in the list, and click Add/Remove.
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes.
Reinstall The Security Application Panel
To reinstall supervisor or user security application, You
will need your Drivers and Utilities CD. There is a folder
named Secpanel which contains the setup files for
supervisor and user security application. Double-click
on setup*.exe and follow these instructions.
1. Double-click the Setup FJSECS.EXE file. The
Installing Security Panel Application window will
appear. Follow the instructions on the screen.
2. Double-click the Setup FJSECU.EXE file. The
Installing Security Panel Application window will
appear. Follow the instructions on the screen.
3. Supervisor and user passwords can be set by the
Windows Software which are FJSECS.EXE and
FJSECU.exe respectively. FJSECU.EXE for user pass-
word cannot run without supervisor password.
First you need to run FJSECS.exe to set supervisor
password before setting user password. Follow
instructions under Settings Passwords.
If you forget both passwords, please contact Fujitsu PC
Corporation Service and Support at 1-800-8fujitsu.
Fujitsu PC Corporation charges a service fee for
unlocking a password restricted notebook. When calling
please have a valid credit card and provide proof of
ownership. You will then be given instructions on where
to ship you notebook.
LAUNCHING APPLICATIONS WITHTHE SECURITY APPLICATION PANELThe security panel also enables you to launch applications
with the touch of a button when your system is on. Your
notebook is pre-installed with software utilities that let
you operate and configure your LifeBook Security Panel.
These utilities are found under the Start menu, under
Programs, then under LifeBook Application Panel. They
include Application Panel Setup, Application Panel Guide,
Activate Panel and Deactivate Panel.
Removing the applications does not remove the
password. It simply removes the tool to change/add/
remove passwords. To change your password you must
reinstall the application.