LifeBook E Series – Section Four
4. Manually place your notebook into suspend mode
by depressing the Suspend button and replace the
discharged battery with an additional full-charged
battery. Or if you do not have an additional battery,
you may attach AC power as soon as you see the low
battery warning.
5. Resume your notebook by pressing the Suspend
button again. This step is not required if you
attached AC power without entering suspend mode.
6. Restart your DVD player, locate and skip to the
chapter of the movie you were last watching.
7. Continue watching your DVD movie.
AUTOMATIC INSERTION FUNCTIONThe Automatic Insertion Function allows your notebook
to automatically start a DVD/CD as soon as it is inserted in
the DVD/CD-ROM drive and the tray is closed. Your note-
book will begin playing an audio DVD/CD or will start an
application if the DVD/CD includes an auto run file.
Disabling Automatic Insertion Function
To disable the Automatic Insertion function, follow
these easy steps:
1. Save all data and close all open applications.
2. From the Start menu, select Settings, and then
select Control Panel.
3. Double-click the System icon. This will open the
System Properties dialog box.
4. Select the Device Manager tab to display the device
lists for your notebook.
5. Click on the + to the left of the DVD/CD-ROM
drive icon. The treeview will expand to show the
DVD/CD-ROM drive manufacturer’s name and
model number.
6. Double-click on the DVD/CD-ROM drive manu-
facturer’s name and model number. This will open
the DVD/CD-ROM drive manufacturer’s name and
model number dialog box.
7. Select the Settings tab and then remove the check
mark in the Automatic Insertion Notification box
to turn it off.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close in the System Properties dialog box,
then click Yes in the System Settings Change pop-up
window when it asks you to restart your machine
and activate this change.
The Automatic Insertion function can be re-activated by
repeating this process and placing a check mark in the
Automatic Insertion Notification box to turn it back on.
If you do not stop the DVD player quickly and the
notebook attempts to auto-suspend (critical battery low
state) the notebook will shutdown improperly. If this
occurs, you will need to perform a hard reset and follow
the instruction, if any, presented to you before the
system will reboot.
Some shorter DVD movies may not require you to swap
batteries or attach AC power to complete them.
However, it is best to be prepared since actual battery life
while operating the DVD drive cannot be guaranteed.