Although a power planer considerably out- performs an ordinary hand plane, by the same token the blades become dull faster. Always keep your blades sharp for the best performance possible. Use the sharpening holder (photo) to remove nicks and pro- duce a fine edge.

First, loosen the 2 wing nuts on the holder and insert blades A and B as in figure a t right, so that they contact side C and D. Then tighten wing nuts.

Immerse dressing stone in water for 2 or 3 minutes before sharpening. Hold the holder so that blades both contact the dressing stone for simultaneous sharpening a t the same angle. Stock removal i s possible up to

7.5mm (5/16"). Blades may be used down

to24.5" (1").


Carbon brushes

Replace carbon brushes when they wear down to about 6 mm (1/4") or sparking will occur. Both brushes should be changed a t the same time.

Sharpening holder

Fig. 7

Wing nut

Side (CJ

Blade(B1 \ Side(D1 \

Fig. I

Fig. 9

L - . . .


6mm ( 1/4")

Fig. 1(


Page 7
Image 7
Makita 1805B instruction manual Maintenance, Sharpening Planer Blades