KH0179 -
Installation Instructions
1.Set adapter on top of the dispenser. Position the bin cover so that the front flange of the bin cover will lock under the front lip of the dispenser. Adapter may have to be moved towards the back of the dispenser.
2.Using the slotted holes in the adapter as a template, drill four (4) 9/64” diameter holes at the bottom of the slots. NOTE: Do not drill deeper than 1/4” past the sheet metal. Use a drill stop!
3.Fasten adapter to dispenser using the four (4) #8 screws supplied with the adapter kit.
4.Set the ice machine on top of the adapter. Align holes in ice machine front angle with the rivnuts on the adapter.
5.Secure the ice machine to the adapter with two (2)
6.Set the front bin cover onto the dispenser. The back flange of the bin cover will latch onto the adapter.
7.Rotate retaining arms into position, as shown for normal ice machine operation.
#8-32 Screw
Two (2) Places
LH Retaining Arm
Bin Cover
Cornelius ED200/250 Dispenser
#8 Screw
4 Places
RH Retaining Arm
Manitowoc Ice, Inc.
2110 South 26th Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI |
Telephone | 8006693 |
Web Site - www.manitowocice.com | Rev. 06/17/03 |