*“With Sub” mode
There are two HPFs (High Pass Filters) in the signal path – one on the mother board and one on
the top pcb.
The HPF on the top pcb sets the lowest operating frequency for the AQ5, AQ6, AQ8, AQ10, AQ12
or AQ15 loudspeaker in “Full Range” mode. The motherboard HPF operates in “With Sub” mode to
provide a main loudspeaker-to-subwoofer crossover function. The top pcb HPF should be disabled
in “With Sub” mode as the lowest operating frequency for the main AQ5, AQ6, AQ8, AQ10, AQ12
or AQ15 loudspeaker is set by the main-to-sub crossover function.
Mono Subwoofer
Move the mother board jumper J17 to the B position for mono subwoofer operation.
**HF boost
Simply move the J2 and J6 jumpers to the C position if HF boost is required.
Limiter configuration
Motherboard jumpers J11, J12, J13 & J14 must be set for safe operation – see end of this manual
section for details.
See the main AQX System Controller User Guide (on Martin Audio User Guides CD – May 2005
or later) for input & output pin 1 links, limiter in/out links and Ch2 & 4 polarity links.
AQ5 full range
Remember to select “Full range” mode on the front panel
All material © 2007. Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice.