
1. Turn the Low Pass Filter (Hz) Control to the middle of the “Normal” range.
2. Slowly rotate the Level Control until you match the subwoofer output level with
the level of your speakers. Bass should be clearly audible but not intrusive.
3. If the sound is too “thin” set the Low Pass Filter Control higher than the “Normal”
range; if the sound becomes “boomy” set the Low Pass Filter Control lower than
the normal range.
4. If the bass sounds weak or “dislocated” you may have a phase alignment problem.
Your MLT-1 subwoofer has a Phase Switch which is normally set to the 0° position.
Switch it to the 180° position—this will switch the phase of the subwoofer by 180° relative
to your speakers. Listen to determine if you hear more bass. If you don’t hear more bass,
return the Phase Switch to its original position and then experiment with subwoofer
placement to find an area of the room where there is less bass cancellation.