DS87C530/DS83C530 EPROM/ROM Microcontrollers with
The relative time of two instructions might be different in the new architecture than it was previously. For example, in the original architecture, the “MOVX A, @DPTR” instruction and the “MOV direct, direct” instruction used two machine cycles or 24 oscillator cycles. Therefore, they required the same amount of time. In the DS87C530/DS83C530, the MOVX instruction takes as little as two machine cycles or eight oscillator cycles but the “MOV direct, direct” uses three machine cycles or 12 oscillator cycles. While both are faster than their original counterparts, they now have different execution times. This is because the DS87C530/DS83C530 usually use one instruction cycle for each instruction byte. The user concerned with precise program timing should examine the timing of each instruction for familiarity with the changes. Note that a machine cycle now requires just 4 clocks, and provides one ALE pulse per cycle. Many instructions require only one cycle, but some require five. In the original architecture, all were one or two cycles except for MUL and DIV. Refer to the
Special Function Registers (SFRs) control most special features of the DS87C530/DS83C530. This allows the device to incorporate new features but remain
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