Maytag DWC8330 Changing Panels, Caring For Dishwasher, questionsoncemingchangingp~els,~ntact

Models: DWU8330 DWC8330

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Caring For Dishwasher

Caring For Dishwasher

The interior is normallyself-cleaning. Occasionallycheckthe bottom of the dishwasher tub andcleanoutpiecesof food which may collectthere.

Periodicallycleanthe bottomedgeof the dishwasherdoorliner. Food andliquids drip onto this areawhenthe dishwasheris loaded.

If younoticean odor in yourdishwasher,it may be due to a strong"chemical"or chlorine odor from the dishwasherdetergent.Usinga different detergent,especiallya lemonscentedone,will probablyeliminatethe odor.In someinstances the smellof the rinseadditivemaybe strong. Purchasea freshpackageandseeif it is better.. Lastly,if the dishwasheris run orilyeverycouple of days,an odor maydevelop.Usethe Rinse& Hold featuredailyto removeanyfood soilthat maycauseanodor.

To removeanodor,try oneof the following:

1.Placebakingsodain both sidesof the detergentdispenserSelect.tight/China and let the watercirculatefor about10mmutes. Stopthe dishwasherby urilatchingthedoor and let standovernight Then,restartthe dishwasherbylatchingthe doorand let it completethecycle.

2.Selectthe tight/China cycleandlet the dishwasherfill with watei Then openthe doorand pour one cup of chlorine bleachinto the bottomo(the dishwasherLatch.the door and let the dishwashercompletethe cycle.

Cleanthe controlpaneland front panelwith a soft dampclothandliquid spraycleaner.Do not. useanyabrasivepowdersor cleaningpads.

Changing Panels

Your Maytagdishwashercomeswith reversible panelinsertswhicharepre-assembledatthe factory.This enablesyouto selectthe coloryou wantbefore your dishwasheris installedor chooseanothercolor ata laterdate.

To Chan!Je Panels:

A.Removethree screwsholding the metal trim strip ononesideof the door.Takenote ot howthe trim comesoff.

B.Graspin~;the lowerpart of the doorpanels, bowpanl~lsout carefullyatthe bottomwhile slidingpimelsfar enoughto clearthe flange onthe trim strip whichwasnot removedand removepanels.

C.Arrangepanelssothe desiredcoloris facingout.

D.Placedo,orpanels(notchedsideup) behind the metaltrim atthe bottomof the door.Bow the panelssothey fit behind the control panelat the top.

E.Slidethe:panelsunderthe sidemetal trim whichW:lSnot removed.To do this, it will be pecessarytocompressthe backingbehind the coloredpanels.

F.ReinstalJthe metal trim whichwasremoved do this, start by inse~g the tip end of tile trim stripbehind the control panel.Align the holesandreplacethe three screws.

G.The low~~raccesspanelis held by four screws (tWoabOvethe panelandtWobelow).With theseremoved,the panel maybe removedto makeit easyto changepanelcolors.

H.With tht::)oweraccesspanelrepoved, removeIthefour screwsalongthe bottomof panelandremovethe trim which holdsthe panels..Oncethe desiredpanelisfacing out, replace1hetrim, andreinstallthe panelto the diSh'Nasher.

Usecarewhenchangingpanelsto be certainyou are notinjured on sharpedgesand that the panelsarenot damaged.If youhayeapy




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Maytag DWC8330, DWU8330 manual Changing Panels, Caring For Dishwasher, questionsoncemingchangingp~els,~ntact