Maytag DWU8330, DWC8330 manual Energy Saving Tips, machine

Models: DWU8330 DWC8330

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Energy Saving Tips

.Soft Water Etching

If the cloudyfilm is not removedafter soaking in vinegar(previousprocedure),then the conditionis etching.This permlmentfilm occursin unusualconditionsunderwhichthe surfaceof the glassis pitted or eroded.It is


In the be~nningstages,etchingmaybe identified by a "rainbow" look shadesofblue, purple, brown or pink maybe seenwhenthe glassis held atan angleto the light. In advancedstagesthe surfaceof the glassware appearsfrosted,spottedor cloudy.

Certaintypesof glasswarewilletchinany dishwasherwith the combinationof softwater (especiallymechanicallysoftened),an excessiveamountof detergent,heatand prerinsing.Thereis no relationshipto the cost

or qualityof the glass.


To prevent:

"iJo"r!i )f\'Cf~"'"



1.Adjustthe amountof detergentto the degreeof waterhardness(seepage6t

2.Lowerthe watertemperature(seepage3t

3. Avoid usingthe HeatDry .g



, not manuallyprerinsedishesbefore

.IoadingindishwasherPre.rinsingprior to loadingto removeallfood soilaggravates



Sometimesthe dishesor the interior of the dishwashermaytumabrown,red or black color if iron or mapganeseis in the water.To removediscolorationfrom dishwasherinterior, dishesandglassware(no metalitems):

1.Selecta. rust removingcompound,suchas RoVerRustRemover.It is availablefrom

Ma~ag PartsDistributors by usingPart No. 5~"961.

2.Startemptydishwasheron Rinse& Hold or rinse I>artionof thecycle. During fill, open tile doorandadd 1/2cupRoVeLRust Remo'verto the water.Allow the dishw:lShertocomplete the Cycle.

3.Follo~rwith a detergentwash.

The only J?ermanentsolutionis:o install specialfill:erswruchcanremoveiron and

Energy Saving Tips

You can hel]psaveenergy if you:

1..Washfull loads. Running a half-fuled dishwasherusesthe same amount of electricit:{ and hot water as a fully loaded


2.Do not pre-rinse normally soiled dishes. Select the correct cycle for the load and USe

the .recommended amount of detergent for good washing results without hand rinsing...

3.Load correctly for best washing results.

Incorrect loading may cause poor washing and the P rewash all or P art of the load.

4.UsetheJight/China cycle when dishes are lightly so:iled. It uses less hot water and energy thanothE~r cycles.

5.Fandxy (lishes,withoutheat) when you don't

~eedarapid.dxying cycle. Allow longer d~ng

times {ovemIght). .

6.Use your dishwasher during off-peak hours.. Local utilities recommend tms to avoid heavy

usageof.l~nergyat.certain times of day. Check Withyou]~ utility company to see if off-peak rates exist.


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Maytag DWU8330, DWC8330 manual Energy Saving Tips, machine