Full OneYearWarranty

For one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase,any part which fails in normal home use will be repairedor replacedfree of charge.


After the first year from date of original retail purchase,throughthe time periodslistedbelow, the parts designatedbelowwhich fail in normal home use will be repaired or replacedfree of chargefor the part itself,with the ownerpaying all other costs, including labor, mileage and transportation.

SecondYear- All parts.

Third through FifthYear- Dryertumbler.

Additional Limited Warranty Against Rust- Through

Should an exterior cabinet, including the door, rustthrough duringthe one year period starting from the date of retail purchase, repair or replacementwill be madefree of charge. After the first and through the tenth year, repair or replacementwill be madefree of chargefor the part itself,with the ownerpayingall other costs, includinglabor,mileageand transportation.

PleaseNote: This full warrantyand the limited warrantyapply when the dryer is locatedin the UnitedStatesor Canada. Dryers locatedelse- whereare coveredby the limitedwarrantyonly, including parts which fail during the first two years.


Tolocatean authorizedservicecompanyin yourareacontactthe Maytagdeal- er fromwhomyour appliancewas purchased;or call MaytagAppliancesSales Company,MaytagCustomerAssistanceat the number listed below.Should you not receivesatisfactorywarrantyservice,pleasecall or write:

MaytagAppliancesSalesCompany Attn: CAIR” Center

PO. Box2370 Cleveland,TN 37320.2370

US. l-800-688-9900 Canadal-800-688-2002 U.S.customersusingTTYfor deaf,hearingimpairedor speechimpaired,call l-800-688-2080.

When contacting Maytag Appliances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistanceabouta serviceproblem,pleaseincludethe following:

a.Yourname,addressand telephonenumber;

b.Model number and serial number (found on the lower center of the door opening)of your appliance;

c.Name and address of your dealer and the date the appliance was purchased;

d.A clear descriptionof the problemyou are having.

e.Proofof purchase.


1.Conditionsand damagesresultingfrom any of the following:

a.Improperinstallation,delivery,or maintenance.

b.Any repair,modification,alterationor adjustmentnot authorizedby the manufactureror an authorizedservicer.

c.Misuse,abuse,accidents,or unreasonableuse.

d.Incorrectelectriccurrent,voltageor supply.

e.Impropersettingof any control.

2.Warrantiesare void if the originalserial numbershavebeen removed, altered,or cannotbe readilydetermined.


Thiswarrantycoversonly thosedryers installed in Canada that have been listed with the Canadian Standards Association unless the dryers are brought into Canadadue to transfer of residencefromthe UnitedStatesto Canada.

The specific warranties expressed above are the ONLYwarrantiesprovidedby the manufac- turer. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights that vary fromstateto state.

3.Light bulb.

4.Productspurchasedfor commercialor industrialuse.

5.The cost of serviceor servicecall to:


b.Instructthe user on properuse of the product.

c.Transportthe applianceto the servicer.

6.Consequentialor incidentaldamagessustainedby any personas a result of any breachof thesewarranties.

Somestatesdo not allowthe exclusionor limitationof consequentialor inci- dentaldamages,so the aboveexclusionmaynot apply.

Users Guides,servicemanualsand parts catalogsare availablefrom MaytagAppliancesSalesCompany,MaytagCustomerAssistance.

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MAYTAG l 403 W. 4’” Street N. l P.O. Box 39 l Newton, Iowa 50208

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