Donot placeinto your dryerlawnsitemsthathavebeenspottedorsoakedwith vegetabl@ oil or cooking ofi, Evenafter being wan, these item8may contain $$ig~fi~ntifl~fi~nt

amountsof these oit& The remainingoil can ignite ~~n~n~iy.~~n~n~ly The potential

for spontaneous ignition increases wh@nthe items containing vegetableoil or cooking oil are exposedto heat. Heat sources,such as your clothes dryer, can warmthese items,allowingan oxlrfasionreactionIn the oil to occur. Oxidationcre- ates heat. If this heatcannot escape,the items can becomehot enough to catch fire. Piling,stackingor storing thesekinds of itemsmaypreventheatfrom escap= ing and can createa fire haxard.

Ail washed and unwashedfabrics that oar&in vegetabieoil or cooking oil can be dangerous. WashingtheBeitemsin tfot waterwith extradetergentwill reduce,but will not eliminate,the hazard. Alwaysusethe “cooldown” cyoiefor theseItenufto reduce the items’temperature. Neverremovethe@ item8fr&mthe ciothes dryer hot or interrupt &e drying cycle until the items haverun huh the “cooldown” cycle. Naverpils or &ck th& items when they am h&.


The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcementAct of 1986(Proposition

65)requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the Stateof Californiato causecanceror repro- ductive harm, and requires businessesto warn customersof potential exposuresto such substances.

Usersof this applianceare herebywarned that the burning of gas can result in Iow- level exposure to some of the listed sub- stances, including benzene, formaldehyde and soot, due primarily to the incomplete combustionof naturalgas or liquid petrole- um (LP)fuels.Exhaustductsshouldbe kept free of obstructionsand properlyexhausted dryerswill minimizeexposure.

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Maytag MD-15, MD7600 warranty Safetynotice&Warning