Step 1
Touch the Favorites option pad on the control panel or the “favorites” area on the Home screen.
Step 3
Touch the area entitled “move favorite to first page”. Using the arrow at the top, scroll through the pages until you get to the favorite you would like to move to the first page. Touch that favorite cycle.
Step 2
Touch “edit a favorite”.
Step 4
The favorite cycle you selected to move will now be in the upper left position of the touchscreen. The other favorite cycles moved back one position with the sixth favorite cycle moving to the next page of favorites.
Note: Use the arrow at the top of the screen to scroll from page to page.
Step 1
Touch the Favorites option pad on the control panel or the “favorites” area on the Home screen.
Step 2
Touch “delete a favorite”. Next touch the favorite cycle you want to delete. If the favorite cycle you want to delete is on another page, touch the arrow in the corner until you see the favorite cycle you want to delete.
Step 3