Use this Cooking Guide to learn how to get the best results [rornyour Maytag Accellis T. 2X Range. You'll find easy-to-unc

how-to'sfor the SpeedOptions, plus delicious, step-by-steprecipes. No need to purchasenew cookwareor discardyour

recipes. This guide wilJhelpyou cook new and old recipeswith confidence.

_-_-Main Dish,SideDish,Pizza Thisoption usesa slightly higher amountof microwave energy with conventionalradiant

heat to cooksuchfoodsas meats,poultry,fish, casserolesv,eg- etables,pizza(regularandself-riseand), frozenconveniencfeoods.

BakedGoods,EggDishes Thisoptionusesslightlyower amountsof microwave energy along with conventionalradiant heatto gentlycookdelicatefoods suchas egg- and cheese-based dishesand bakedgoods,

Defrost This option uses only microwave energy to quicklydefrostlarge or smallamountsof food. TheDefrostoption givesyou a distinctadvantageover a regular microwavewhen defrostingfoods.It allows you to safelyand quickly defrostlarge items-- eventheholiday turkey,

__°_ FrozenDinners Thisoptionis speciallydesignedto use microwaveenergy for cookingprepared frozenmealspackaged in heatproof paper and plastic containers with just enough

conventionalradiant heat added for the browning your normal microwavecan't provide.


SEX Auto Set This control feature allows you to enter the cookingtime calledfor in a conventionalrecipe. Pressingthis pad will automatically cut the conventional cook time in half for


When usinga SpeedOption,thereis NO NEEDTO PRE OVENorSETAN OVENTEMPERATURFoEll.owtheseea:

_ SELECTthe appropriate rack position(see page foodinovenand shutdoor.

_ PRESSthedesiredSpeedOptionpod.

_ SETtheconventionalbake time (orwhat the recip,

in minutesusingthe numberpads,then pressthe, pad. AUTO SETwill automaticallycut thetime in

example, press[6] [0] for a 1-hour cook time, [AUTOSET].Theovenwill setitselffor 30 minute If the speed bake time is known (half of the cc bake time),you may enterthat time. However,& theAUTO SETpad. Thetimeenteredwill notbe.

_ AFTERthree-fourthsof the time has elapsed,th_

beepand display"CHECKFOOD." Youmaych_ doneness,or ignoreit and the ovenwill continue

_ AT the end of the set cooking time, the displ{ "ENTERMORETIMEIFNEEDED."If additionalo

is needed,pressthe numberpads to add actual cooking.(Theovenwill notcutthisadditionaltim_

general,only 2 to 5 minutesof additionaltimeis r maximumtimethat can be addedis 10 minutes.

_ WHENthefood is done, pressCANCELto turnt [If youaccidentallypressCANCELbutwant to cc

alittle longer,you mustresettheSpeedOption,

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Maytag MER67 manual Auto