A)DONOTattemptto operatethisovenusingtheSpeed C) DONOToperatetheovenifit isdamagedIt. isparticularlyimpor-
canresultinharmfulexposuretomicrowaveenergyItis. | to the: (1)door(bent),(2) hingesand latches(brokenor Ioos- |
importantnotto defeatortamperwiththesafetyinter- | ened),(3)doorsealsandsealingsurfaces. |
locks. | D) Theovenshouldnotbeadjustedor repairedby anyoneexcept |
B)DONor placeanyobjectbetweentheovenfrontface properlyqualifiedservicepersonnel. andthedoororallowsoilorcleanerresiduetoaccumu-
WhenusingtheSpeedOptionsbasicsafety | 7. | Makesurethat all personsusingthis | attendapplianceifheatproof |
precautionsshouldbefollowed,includingthe |
| appliance,especiallychildren,are | paperor plasticcontainersare |
following: |
| closelysupervisedand properlyin- | placedinsidetheoven.Ifa plastic |
| structedonhowto usethisappliance, | frozenfoodcontainerand/oritsfilm |
8. | Donotoperatethisapplianceifithasa | coverdistorts,warpsorisotherwise | |
electricalshock,fire, injuryto personsor | damagedduringcooking, | ||
exposuretoexcessivemicrowaveenergy: |
| damagedcordorplug,if itis notwork- | |
| immediatelydiscardthefoodandits | ||
| |
t. Readalltheinstructionsbeforeusingthe |
| ingproperly,orifit hasbeendamaged | containerThefoodcouldbe. |
| ordropped. | contaminated. | |
appliance, |
2.Readandfollowthespecific"precautions 9. Thisapplianceshouldbeservicedonly
byqualifiedservicepersonnelContact.proofpaperor ovencookingbags
toavoidpossibleexposuretoexcessive | thenearestauthorizedservicefacility | beforeplacingbagintheoven. | |||
microwaveenergy"foundatthetopofthis | forexamination,repairorreplacement. |
| |||
page. |
| Donotattempttoserviceorrepairthis | c)If materialsinsidetheovenshould | ||
3. This appliance must be properly | applianceyourself, |
| ignite,keepovendoorclosed,turn | ||
| ovenoffandshutoffpoweratthe | |
groundedSeeinstallationinstructionsfor. | 10,Donotcoverorblockanyopeningson | fuseorcircuitbreakerpanel. | |||
groundinginstructions, |
| theoven. |
| |
| d)Do notusethecavityforstorage | |
4. Installorlocatethisapplianceonlyin ac- | 11.Donotstoreorusethisapplianceout- | purposesDon.otleavepaper | |||
cordancewith the installationinstruc- | doors.Do not usethis productnear | products,cookingutensils,orfood | |||
tions, |
| in thecavitywhennotin use.Use | |||
5. Someproductssuchaswholeeggsand | ina wetbasementorneara, | swimming | onlyheatproofpaperorplastic | ||
sealedcontainers,suchas glassjars, | pool. |
| containersrecommendedforusein | ||
mayexplodeandshouldnotbe heated | 12.Donotimmersecordorplugin water, | a conventionaloven. | |||
inthisoven. |
| |
6. Usethisapplianceonlyfor itsintended | 13.Whencleaningsurfacesof doorand | 15.Useonlycookingutensilsandacces- | |||
oventhat cometogetheron dosing | sories,specificallydescribedin this | ||||
| ||||
useasdescribedin thismanualorinthe | door,useonlymild,nonabrasivesoaps | guideor in theMaytagAccellisTM2X | |||
MaytagAccellisTM2XCookingGuide.Do | ordetergentsappliedwitha spongeor | CookingGuide. | |||
notusecorrosivechemicalsorvaporsin | softcloth.Donotcleanorrubthegas- | 16.Stayneartheovenwhileit is in use | |||
thisapplianceThistypeofovenis. | spe- | ketaroundtheovendoor. |
| |
cificallydesignedto heat,cook,or de- |
| and check cooking progress fie- | ||
frostfood.Donotusefor dryingclothes, | 14.To reducethe risk of fire in the oven | quentlyLeavingtheovenunattended. | |||
linens,newspaper,or | cavity: |
| mayresultin overcookedfoodand | ||
typeitems.It is intendedfor homeuse | a)Donotovercookfood,especially | possiblya firein youroven. | |||
| |||
only. |
| starchyitemssuchaspotatoesand |
| ||
| fattyitemssuchasbaconCarefully. |