HOW TO BROIL | To Broil: |
NOTE: Broiling is done in the lower broiler oven.
Broiling isa method of cooking usedfor tender steaks, chops, hamburgers, chicken, fish, and some fruits and vegetables. Foroptimum results, steaks should be at least
Broiling Tips
Trimexcessfat toreducespatteringand smoking.Cutslashesintheouteredges
of the meat to preventcurling during cocking,
For a brown exterior and rare interior, the meat should be close to the burner.
Place the pan further down if you wish the meat well done or if spattering and smoking occurs,
Broiler Pan and Insert
Broiling requires the use of the broiler pan and insert supplied with your appliance.It is designedto drain excess liquid and fat away from the cooking
surfaceto preventspatters,smokeand flareups.
Never leave a soiled broiler pan and insert in the oven after broiling.
1. Turn the oven Thermostat knob to
It is possible to broil longer cooking foods such as chicken or pork chops at a lower temperature to prevent overbrowning. Turn the knob to 450°F, rather than BROIL, for low temperature broiling.
2. Preheat for 2 to 3 minutes if desired.
NOTE: Cooking times in the Broil Chart are based on a 2 to 3 minute
Ifyouplantoseasonthemeat, itisbetter to do so afterthe surface hasbrowned,
Salttendsto delay browningwhichcan
result in overcooking. Salting before cooking also draws the juices out of the meat, causing dryness,
The cooking time is determined by the distance between the meat and the
burner, the desired degreeof doneness, and the thickness of the meat.
Thin cuts shouldbe placedcloser to the burner. Thicker cuts should be placed further away from the burner,
Drippingsmightbecomehot enoughto ignite if exposed directlyto the oven
The broiler oven can be preheated for a few minutes. However, do not preheat the broiler pan and Insert.
3.Place the broiler pan on the recommendedrackpositionshownin
thebroilingchart. Ifthe foodisplaced tooclosetothe burner,overbrownlng
and smokingmay occur. Broilingis a_waysdone with the door c_osed.
4. Follow the suggested times in the broilingchart. Meat should be turned onceabouthalfwaythroughwhenthe top of the meat begins to brown.
5. Check the doneness by cutting a slit in the meat near the center to check the color.
Until you become more familiar with your new oven, use the following chart as a guide when broilingfoods.
| Welt Done | Middle | Broil at 450°F | Middle | 8 - | 12 minutes |
| |
BEEF | Well Done | Middle | Upper | 1S - | 18 minutes | ||
STEAKS, | thick | Rare | Middle | Upper | 10 - | 12 minutes | |
| Medium | Middle | Upper | 12 - | 14 minutes | |
| Well Done | Middle | Upper | 13 - | 16 minutes | |
Pieces |
| Well Done | Bottom | Bottom | 25 - | 30 minutes | |
| Broil at 450°F |
Fillet, | thick | Flaky | Middle | Upper | 7 - | 10 minutes | |
Steak, | Flaky | Middle | Upper | 12 - | 14 minutes | ||
HAM SLICE, | Warm | MiddLe | Upper | S- 10 minutes | |||
(precooked) |
PORK CHOPS, | Well Done | Middle | Middle | 22 - 26 minutes |
* Thebottombroilpositionfer