3. Entering a NEW Arrival Notification Introduction Arrival Port Notifications must be entered onto CERS for: -
1) Every sea-going merchant vessel (equal to or greater than 300 GT) arriving at a UK port.
2) Any sea-going merchant vessel (irrespective of size) arriving at a UK port from outside the
EU and carrying dangerous or polluting goods
The operator, agent or master of such a ship must provide the required port arrival
notification to the port authority at least 24 hours in advance of ship arrival or at the latest at
the time the ship leaves the previous port, if the voyage time is less than twenty-four hours;
or if the port of arrival is not known or it is changed during the voyage, as soon as this
information is available.
The port authority shall, upon receipt, input the port arrival notification received from the
operator, agent or master onto CERS.
New arrival
In order to add a new Arrival Notification to the system, you should first open the Notifications
section of the collapsible Navigation Menu and then choose New Arrival.