"bulk carrier" bears the meaning given to it in Regulation IX/1.6 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention and interpreted by Resolution 6 of the 1997 SOLAS Conference, namely:
- a ship constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper-side tanks in cargo paces
and intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, or
- an ore carrier, meaning a sea-going single deck ship having two longitudinal bulkheads and
a double bottom throughout the cargo region and intended for the carriage of ore cargoes in
the centre holds only, or
- a combination carrier as defined in Regulation II-2/3.27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
"dry cargo in bulk" or "solid bulk cargo" shall mean solid bulk cargo as defined in
Regulation XII/1.4 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, excluding grain.
Adding Bulk
Infringements represent events that have occurred in relation to a specific Voyage and as
such are managed through the Voyage Dashboard within a self-contained panel – List of
Events (See Infringement management chapter 10 for more details on how to add the