How to Connect Audio Components
How to Connect Audio Components
1.Connect an Audio Cable from the McIntosh CD Player Audio Outputs to the MA6900 CD2 INPUTS.
2.Connect an Audio Cable from a McIntosh Tuner 1 Out- puts to the MA6900 TUNER INPUTS.
3.Connect an Audio Cable from a Turntable to the PH/AUX INPUTS and the Turntable Ground Connec-
tion to the GND grounding post.
4.Connect an Audio Cable from the MA6900 TAPE OUTPUTS to the Record Inputs of a Tape Recorder and from the MA6900 TAPE INPUTS to a Tape Re- corder Outputs.
5.Connect a Control Cable from the MA6900 POWER CONTROL ACC Jack to the Power Control In on the McIntosh Tuner.
6.Connect a Control Cable from the McIntosh Tuner Power Control Out Jack to the Power Control In jack on the McIntosh CD Player.
7.Connect a Control Cable from the MA6900 TUNER DATA PORT Jack to the McIntosh Tuner Data In (Tuner 1).
8.Connect a Control Cable from the MA6900 CD2 DATA PORT Jack to the McIntosh CD Player Data In Jack.
9.Connect the MA6900 Power Cord to a live AC outlet.
McIntosh Tuner | McIntosh CD Player |
To AC Outlet
In | Tape Recorder | Out |