McIntosh MCC404/MCC404M manual How to Operate in Subwoofer Mode

Models: MCC404/MCC404M

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How to Operate in Two Channel or Subwoofer Mode

How to Operate in Two Channel Mode

In the Two Channel Mode channels 1 and 2, and channels 3 and 4 operate in bridged configuration as a pair of full fre- quency range 400 watt amplifiers. A typical application is use of a more powerful amplifier for stereo reproduction. Refer to figures 9 and 10.


The MCC404/MCC404M will turn on or off when the Control Center turns On or Off.

Note: There must be an Amp ON connection between the MCC404/MCC404M and the signal source unit in order for the amplifier power turn On and Off to function.

Input Source

Set the channel 3-4 INPUT SOURCE Switch to 3, 4.

Sensitivity Controls

The Sensitivity Controls 1 and 3 allow the setting of input level of both bridged pairs of amplifier channels to provide an ideal match for the signal source being used.

Output Mode

Set both the channel 1-2 OUTPUT MODE Switch and the channel 3-4 OUTPUT MODE Switch to the BRIDGED position to configure the amplifier for two channel opera- tion.

High Pass Filter

Set the High Pass Filters’ Frequency Controls to 50 and the MULTIPLIER Switch to X.1. This will pass the full au- dible spectrum yet filter out power robbing sub-sonics be- low 5 Hz.

Low Pass Filter

Set the Low Pass Filter Switches to the OUT position since both channels are operating at full frequency range.

How to Operate in Subwoofer Mode

In the Sub Woofer Operating Mode, channels 1&2 operate as independent 100 watt amplifiers, driving two midrange and high frequency or full range speakers. Channels 3&4 operate in Bridged Mode as a single 400-watt amplifier, driving a low frequency speaker. A typical Sub application is to drive two upper-range loudspeakers and one woofer or subwoofer. Refer to figures 9 and 10.



The MCC404/MCC404M will turn On or Off when the Control Center turns on or off.

Note: There must be an Amp ON connection between the MCC404/MCC404M and the signal source unit in order for the amplifier power turn On and Off to function.

Input Source

Set the channel 3&4 INPUT SOURCE Switch to the 1-4 (SUB) position to send the summed signals from input 1&2 to the bridged channels 3&4 for low-pass filtering.

Sensitivity Controls

The Sensitivity Controls allow setting the input level of amplifier channels 1, 2 and 3 to provide an ideal match for the signal source being used. Sensitivity Control 3 adjusts the subwoofer level balance and Sensitivity Control 4 has no effect.

Output Mode

Set the channels 1-2 OUTPUT MODE Switch to the STE- REO position and the channels 3-4 OUTPUT MODE Switch to the BRIDGED position to operate in the three channel bi-amp mode.

High Pass Filter

Set the channel 3-4 High Pass Filters’ FREQUENCY Con- trol to 50 and the MULTIPLIER Switch to X.1. Set the channel 1-2 High Pass filter Frequency Controls the fre- quency above which you wish to send to the upper range speakers.

Example: To send frequencies above 200Hz to the upper range speakers, the FREQUENCY Control to 200 and the MULTIPLIER Switch to X1.

Low Pass Filter

Set the channel 1-2 low pass filter to OUT. Set the channel 3-4 Low Pass Filter controls to the frequency below which you wish to send to the subwoofer.

Example: To send frequencies below 200Hz to the subwoofer, set the FREQUENCY Control to 200 and the MULTIPLIER Switch to X1.


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McIntosh MCC404/MCC404M manual How to Operate in Subwoofer Mode