Appendix A: Altitude Adjustment Knob
The Altitude Adjustment Knob allows you to add larger eyepieces, cameras or other accessories to the Meade LightBridge telescope without causing the tube to slip or drift.
SlideAss mblythe brake over the tension adjustment bolt ( ). Note the protrusion at the bottom of the tension plate. The protrusion fits intoFig.the16 indent at the bottom of the brake.
Thread the tension adjustment bolt into the tension plate on the side panel of the base assembly (Fig. 17).
Tighten or loosen this knob as needed to prevent the telescope from slipping or drift-
ing when larger eyepieces or other accessories are used with the telescope ( ).
tensionFig. 18 brake plate 
protrusion tension adjustment bolt
Fig. 16: The altitude tension adjustment assembly.
Fig. 17: Slide the brake over tension adjustment bolt and thread the tension adjustment bolt into the tension plate.
Fig. 18: Tighten the tension adjustment bolt as necessary.
Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversable damage to your eye. Do not point | 21 |
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this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving. |