MKS5620.O/M.QXD 7/2/03 9:15 AM Page 17



When a new recording is made, any program material



previously recorded is automatically erased and only

the new recording remains. To safeguard valuable

recordings from being erased accidentally, the cassette

and the deck are equipped with a special device.


On the back of the cassette there is an erase

prevention tab on each side. To prevent accidental

erasing, break out these tabs with a screwdriver. If only

one side of the tape is to be protected, break out the



tab on the left side with the side desired facing you.



To record on a tape in which the tab has been broken,



place a piece of adhesive tape over that area.


NOTE: When a tab is broken out, the record button



cannot be depressed.




Standard tape lengths have 15 (C-30), 30 (C-60) and 45 (C-90) minutes of recording time on each side. Longer length tapes of 60 (C-120) minutes of recording time on each side are not recommended. Use only high quality tapes. If a problem develops, check the unit first with another cassette to determine if the problem is with the cassette, and not with the unit.

If there is any slack in the cassette, it should be removed before inserting the cassette. Place a pencil in one of the hubs and rotate it clockwise until all slack is taken up.

Cleaning the unit

To prevent fire or shock hazard, disconnect your unit from the AC power source when cleaning.

The finish on your unit may be￿￿￿￿￿￿cleaned￿￿￿￿with a dust cloth and cared for as other furniture. Use caution when cleaning and wiping the plastic parts. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Mild soap and a damp cloth may be used on the front panel.

Periodic cleaning of the tape heads, capstan and pinch roller is necessary to maintain good sound reproduction. Clean them after every 100 hours of use or less if playback has deteriorated. Use a cotton swab moistened with head cleaning solution or isopropyl alcohol, then wipe dry with another swab.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

NOTE: Never use metal objects on or near the tape heads. Do not allow any cleaning material to fall into the tape assembly.


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Memorex MKS5620 manual Safeguard Against Accidental Erasure, Cassette Tape Recommendations, Cleaning the unit