Tobrowse through your music, see more details below:
PlayAll: Select to play all of the audio files.
Artist: All artists will be shown in the display. Select PlayAll or the desired Artist using the
Navigation/Volume Up ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause ®pbutton 3. All
theArtist’s albums will appear; select Play All or the desired album using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲
1or Down ▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause ®p button 3. Then, select Play All or the
desired song using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2butto n then pres s the
Enter/Play/Pause®p button 3to start playback.
Album/Genre/Year: All the albums/genres/years will appear.Select Play All or the desired
album/genre/year using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2button then p ress the
Enter/Play/Pause ®p button 3. (In the Genre menu, you must then select the desired album.) Then,
select Play All or the desired song using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲1or Down ▼ 2button then
pressthe Enter/Play/Pause ®p button 3to start playback.
Recorded List: All recorded files will be shown in the display.Select Play All or the desired recorded
file using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause ®p
button3to start playback.
FM Record List:All recorded files that were recorded off of the FM Tuner (see page 40) will be shown
in the display.Select Play All or the desired recorded FM file using the Navigation/Volume Up ▲ 1or
Down▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause ®p button 3to start playback.
AllAudio Tracks:All audio files on the unit will be shown in the display. Select Play All or the desired
audio file using the Navigation/VolumeUp ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause
®pbutton 3to start playback.
Favourites: The favorite files (see page 28) will be shown in the display.Select Play All or the desired
audio file using the Navigation/VolumeUp ▲ 1or Down ▼ 2button then press the Enter/Play/Pause
®pbutton 3to start playback.
NowPlaying: Select to show the currently playing file. This option will not appear if no file is playing.