Hints for use of the Operating Instructions
Do not be put off by the size of the Operating Instructions. Initial- | We have made every effort to provide a detailed table of contents |
ly, it is sufficient to read the instructions in Sections 1.1, 2 and 4. | and a comprehensive index to help you to find the information |
In order to familiarise yourself with the TV set and its many func- | you need. The Section "Glossary" contains explanations of |
tions, we recommend that you read the Operating Instructions | various technical terms used in the manual. |
step by step, carrying out the described actions on your TV set as | In the descriptions of the various functions, the |
you do so. | shows which keys you must press in order to see the screen dis- |
This method, often called "learning by doing", is the easiest way | play given in the centre column. Do not press the keys too quick- |
of learning how to execute the various functions. | ly. It may occur that the TV set will not recognise the next key you |
Do not be afraid to change the settings in the various menus (the | press and may therefore not display the menu shown in the cen- |
TV menu, the TV station table, programming of the function keys, | tre column but something completely different. The |
etc.). If you make any changes to these settings, the TV set reac- | column of the function description provides additional informati- |
ts immediately, but the changes are not yet stored. After each | on which may be useful but is not absolutely necessary for exe- |
change in a menu, a red box is displayed at the bottom right of | cution of the function. |
the screen, asking if you want to save the changes. |
• If you want to save the changes, press the OK key to do so. | If you comply with these hints, you should have no problems in |
• If you are not sure, or if you do not want to save a changed set- | the operation of your TV set. |
ting, press the MENU key and then the TV key to exit from the | Your |
menu without saving the new settings. |
| Remote control handset RB 11 | . .3 |
1. | Setting up and connecting | . .4 |
1.1 | Turning the TV on and off | . .5 |
2. | Language selection in the TV menu | . .6 |
2.1 | TV menu and operator help | . .6 |
2.2 | Programme selection | 6, 7 |
3. | Presetting TV stations | . .8 |
| Direct channel entry/station search | . .8 |
| Autostore function | . .9 |
3.1 | Sorting stations | .10 |
| Move, exchange, copy, delete | .10 |
3.2 | Fine tuning | .11 |
3.3 | Allocating a station logo | .12 |
4. | Changing individual picture settings | .13 |
4.1 | Changing individual sound settings | .13 |
4.2 | Adjusting the video and audio standard values | .14 |
5. | Equipment configuration | .15 |
| Assigning the function keys | .15 |
| Setting for programme change | .17 |
| Setting the RGB priority | .18 |
| Volume adaptation | .18 |
6. | Volume adjustment and forced mono | .19 |
6.1 | Correcting picture deviations | .20 |
| Noise reduction and CTI function | .20 |
| Picture format | .21 |
7. | AV recording | .22 |
| Camcorder ➜ video recorder | .22 |
| Video recorder ➜ video recorder | .23 |
8. | Time settings | .24 |
| .24 | |
8.1 | Childlock | .26 |
| Switching on | .26 |
| Permitted programmes | .26 |
| Personal code | .27 |
| Beginning and end of viewing period | .27 |
| Switching off | .27 |
8.2 | Recording with the timer | .28 |
9. | Connecting headphones | .29 |
| Adjusting the headphones volume | .29 |
10. | Megatext | .30 |
| Basic functions | .30 |
| Multiple pages | .32 |
| Direct page selection | .33 |
| Return to last index page | .34 |
| Doubling the font size | .35 |
| Setting marks | .36 |
| .38 | |
| Erasing marks | .39 |
| Subtitles | .40 |
| Riddle solutions key | .40 |
11. | Special picture effects | .41 |
| Variable Zoom | .41 |
| Frame freeze | .42 |
12. | Operation without remote control | .42 |
13. | Connecting peripheral equipment | .43 |
| Connecting a video recorder / camcorder | .43 |
| Connecting external devices | .44 |
| Connecting a video recorder | .45 |
| Video recorders/video signal | .46 |
| Video recorders | .47 |
| Pay TV decoder (e.g. Premiere) | .48 |
14. Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 14.1 Upgrade kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 14.2 Maintenance and care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
15. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
16.Remote control handset for video recorders . . . . .52
17. Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53