Self-powered and ultracompact, MINA loudspeakers com-
bine advanced loudspeaker technology with equally
advanced power capabilities. Understanding power distri-
bution, voltage and current requirements, as well as electri-
cal safety issues, is critical to MINA’s safe operation.
The MINA user panel includes 3-pole, PowerCon AC con-
AC Input Connector (Blue)
The blue AC Input connector supplies power to the MINA
loudspeaker. The connector is rated at 20 amps and uses a
PowerCon3 AC mains locking connector that prevents acci-
dental disconnections. A 10-foot AC power cable, rated at
15 amps, is included with each MINA. If you replace the
included AC power cable, make sure to use a cable with the
appropriate power plug (on the other end) for the region in
which you will operate the unit.
The AC Input connector also supplies power to any addi-
tional loudspeakers connected to the MINA’s gray Loop
Output connector. Each MINA loudspeaker requires approx-
imately 3.24 A rms maximum at 115 V AC and 1.74 A rms
maximum at 230 V AC for proper operation.
CAUTION: When using the included AC power
cable, do not loop more than three additional
MINA loudspeakers from the AC Loop Output con-
nector at 115 V (four total for the circuit), and not
more than seven at 230 V (eight total for the circuit).
AC Loop Output Connector (Gray)
The gray AC Loop Output connector allows multiple MINA
loudspeakers to be looped and powered from a single
power source. Connect the AC Loop Output of the first
MINA to the AC Input of the second MINA, and so forth. The
AC Loop Output uses a PowerCon3 AC mains locking con-
nector that prevents accidental disconnections.
The maximum number of loudspeakers that can be looped
from the Loop Output connector is determined by the volt-
age of the power source, the current draw of the looped
loudspeakers, the circuit breaker rating, and the rating of the
AC power cable connected to MINA.
NOTE: The current draw for MINA is dynamic
and fluctuates as operating levels change. The
numbers in Table 1 assume that operating levels are
normal and not such that the loudspeakers are con-
stantly limiting.
Each MINA ships with one AC looping connector for making
AC looping cables. Assembled AC looping cables are avail-
able from Meyer Sound.
CAUTION: Do not exceed the current capabil-
ity of the 20-amp Input connector for MINA.
When looping loudspeakers, consider the total cur-
rent draw for all loudspeakers on the circuit, including
the first loudspeaker.
MINA AC Input (Left) and AC Loop Output (Right) Connectors
Table 1: Number of MINAs that Can Be Looped with AC Power
Circuit Breaker/
Connector Rating
115 V AC 230 V AC 100 V AC
15 amps 3 looped
(4 total)
7 looped
(8 total)
2 looped
(3 total)
20 amps 5 looped
(6 total)
10 looped
(11 total)
3 looped
(4 total)