Users Manual & Installation Guide
PV- 5127: Power supply module with UPS
Page 18 of 31
b (STATUS bit 3): Battery present.
b=0: Battery not present (empty or disconnected)
b=1: Battery present
BAT_STATUS (port 252h, read only): nn0cctvv
This port contains the following read-only battery status information bits.
vv (BAT_STATUS bit 1-0): Battery voltage. See the section Battery monitor and charger.
vv=00: Empty or low
vv=01: Medium
vv=10: Full
vv=11: Disconnected
t (BAT_STATUS bit 2): Battery temperature, according to the battery temperature sensor input.
When using the PV-1075 NiMH battery module, the sensor should be disconnected, and this bit
always reports battery too hot.
t=0: Battery temperature OK, charger enabled
t=1: Battery too hot, charger disabled
cc (BAT_STATUS bit 4-3): Charger status.
cc=00: Charger off. When using the PV-1075, the charger is always off.
cc=01: Reserved
cc=10: Charger on, trickle charging
cc=11: Charger on, fast charging
nn (BAT_STATUS bit 7-6): Battery type. With the current firmware, the only possible value is 01.
nn=00: Reserved
nn=01: Lead-Acid, or PV-1075 NiMH battery module
nn=10: Reserved
nn=11: Reserved
RS232_STATUS (port 253h, read only): uuuu0000
This port contains the following read-only status bits. They reflect the status of the pins in the
RS232 connector, whether input from the CPU, or output by the PV-5127. All four signals are
active high, i.e. 1=signal active, 0=signal inactive. Note that RTS (UPS_active) has no function,
apart from being readable in this port.
RS232_STATUS bit 4: CD (Lobat). Output from the PV-5127.
RS232_STATUS bit 5: CTS (Mainsfail). Output from the PV-5127.
RS232_STATUS bit 6: RTS (UPS_active). Input into the PV-5127.
RS232_STATUS bit 7: DTR (Shutdown). Input into the PV-5127.
SHUTDOWN (port 254h, read/write):
This port holds the current state of the Softoff state machine. Please see the section ATX and Softoff
state machines. Possible values are: