QD Series • Entry-Level Economy CD/DVD Duplicators
QD Series Specifications
•48X CD/20X DVD record speeds (Both CD and DVD recording available in same tower!)
•Supported CD Formats:
•Supported DVD Formats: DVD Video,
•USB 2.0 connectivity support
CopyWriter Series • Industrial CD/DVD Duplicators
For over a decade, Microboards’CopyWriter series of CD /DVD duplicators have been the most trusted and reliable on the market. Featuring a premium
CopyWriter Series Specifications
•48X CD/20X DVD record speeds
•Supported CD Formats:
•Supported DVD Formats:
CopyWriter PRO CD, DVD, Blu-ray, LightScribe Towers
CopyWriter PRO CD, DVD, Blu-ray Specifications
•52X CD, 20X DVD, 6X
•Various size confi gurations ranging from 1 to 10 drives in a single tower
• Premium | • |
CopyWriter PRO LightScribe Specifications | |
• 48X CD, 20X DVD record speeds | • 3, 5, 7, |
•Copy discs, then fl ip & print
Daisy-Chainable NET DVD, Blu-ray, LightScribeTowers
Connect any number of tower duplicators together to produce more discs than ever before with Microboards NET Tower Duplicator Series. Available in DVD,
Daisy-Chainable NET Tower Series
•Available in DVD,
•Same specifi cations as CopyWriter PRO series
Extended Warranties