Miele W 1918 operating instructions Slowly into the machine? Large residues

Models: W 1918

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Problem solving guide

What to do if, . . .

Cause . . .

Remedy . . .




. . . In spite of adequate

A filter in the water inlet system

Clean the water inlet filters.

water supply, the water flows

is blocked.


slowly into the machine?






. . . Large residues of

The water pressure is too low.

Clean the filters in the water

detergent remain in the


inlet system.

dispenser drawer?


It may help to select “Water








Detergent used with a water

Pour detergent into the


softener tends to become sticky.

dispenser before adding any



water softener.




. . Fabric softener is not

The dispenser drawer was not

Make sure the drawer is all the

completely dispensed or

pushed in when the fabric

way in.

water remains in the p

softener was being dispensed.



The siphon tube is either

Clean the siphon tube.


incorrectly positioned or








. . . There is an excessive

Use only a low-sudsing

Follow recommendations on

build-up of foam?

detergent at the appropriate

the package.



Take the water hardness into






Use less detergent for lightly



soiled or small loads.




. . . Lime deposits appear on

Not enough detergent has been

Use a decalcifier suitable for

the drum surface?


use in washing machines. A



product called “Quick” is



available from the Miele Parts






Use the correct amount of



detergent for the water



hardness in your area.





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Image 33
Miele W 1918 operating instructions Slowly into the machine? Large residues