AE Lock allows you to lock an auto exposure value.

Once the auto exposure is locked, the multiple images on the same film will be scanned with the same exposure settings when performing the prescan and the final scan. With the AE lock function, for example, when scanning a backlit scene or a film to which exposure adjustments have been made, you can obtain a scanned image which reflects the exposure correction made when taking the photograph.

AE (Auto Exposure) function is performed in the following cases:

When prescanning negative film.

When prescanning colour positive film, where AUTO EXPOSE FOR SLIDES has been selected in the preferences.

SETTING THE AE-LOCKAfter prescanning the image…

1.Click on .

cannot be selected until an image has been prescanned.

2.Select another image, then click on .

The locked exposure setting will apply to the selected prescan image.

The prescan and the final scan will be performed with the locked exposure setting until the AE Lock function is cancelled by clicking on the AE lock button again.

When [Auto Expose for Slides] in the Preferences (see page 29) is not checkmarked, the AE lock function is not available with positive film.

Images will be scanned using the AE lock settings until AE lock is cancelled or the scanner is reinitialized.


1.Click on .

2.Click on to prescan the image again.