If you adjust the slider to increase (to the right), Pixels increasing the level of contrast will become larger. If you increase the value too much, Pixelation (the Pixels image becoming noticeably rough) will occur. Normally, we recommend 150 to 200% for highly processed print images.


If you adjust the slide to increase (to the right) or input a value, the edge of the Pixel will become sharper. Set it to determine how the sharpening effect is extended around each pixel. Normally, we recommend 1 to 2 for highly processed print images. This alteration cannot be recognized much on a print as it will be on the screen.

Threshold level:

If the difference between the surrounding pixels is greater than that of the threshold level, that pixel is recognized as a requiring sharpening. This restricts the effect to places where it is reduced.

Dark Part Protection level:

This limits the sharpening effect, so that only pixels whose light level is greater then the selected level are sharpened.


If you click [Reset] button, the settings in the current correction window are reset.

DiMAGE Scan Multi PRO 79