Introduction 1
1. IntroductionThe FX2N-5A analog special function block has four input channels and one output channel.
The input channels receive analog signals and converts them to the comparable digital values.
The output channel takes a digital value and outputs an equivalent analog signal.
1) Analog signal inputs can be selected from either voltage or current input. The applicable
analog signal input is set using the TO instruction supplied by the PLC main unit.
This PLC instruction is used to select different analog input signal types for each
corresponding channel.
2) The FX2N-5A can be connect to FX0N/FX1N/FX2N/FX2NC/FX3U/FX3UC series PLC
3) Up to 2 FX2N-5A units can be connected to FX0N main unit, FX0N extension unit, FX1N Main
Up to 8 FX2N-5A units can be connected to FX2N/FX3U/FX3UC*1 Series PLC.
Up to 4 FX2N-5A units can be connected to one FX2NC Series PLC.
For connection to the FX2NC Series PLC, an FX2NC-CNV-IF is required.
For connection to the FX3UC Series PLC, an FX2NC-CNV-IF or FX3UC-1PS-5V is required.
Data transfer with the PLC is performed via buffer memories of the FX2N-5A using FROM/
TO In str ucti ons.
*1 Up to 7 units can be connected to an FX3UC-32MT-LT PLC.
FX2N-5A Special function block