FX2N-5A Special function block Buffer Memory (BFM) 7
7.2.10 BFM 19 setting change enable/disable (READ/WRITE)
BFM 19 permits or prohibits the change of the I /O characteristics for the following functions:
BFM 0 (input channel mode settings)
BFM 1 (output channel mode settings)
BFM18 (hold/reset last value output)
BFM 20 (reset all values to default)
BFM 21 (offset/gain adjustment settings)
BFM 22 (convenient function settings)
BFM 25 (digital filter mode)
BFM 41 to 45 (offset data settings)
BFM 51 to 55 (gain data settings)
BFM 200 to 249 (Scaling function settings)
The permitted values are as follows:
K1: Enables change (selected at shipment from factory).
K2: Disables change.
On fault input, the module will return to the la st valid input saved in EEPROM (values other than
K1 or K2 will be ignored).
The value of BFM 19 is stored as non-volatile in the internal EEPROM. There is a safety function
to protect the internal EEPROM from being destroyed by accidentally writing the same value
continuously to BFM 19.