Mesh Enabled Architecture

Mesh Sensor Monitor

Alert Parameter




Sensor is Resurrected – Communications have been restored

for a sensor device that is currently configured in the network that was formerly unreachable.

Activity Window

The Activity Window displays message information, such as date and time, direction, sequence #, message size, and message data (text & hex) for the selected sensor.


Figure 10. Sensor Activity Window

Activity Parameter


Data Style

Using the radio buttons on the Data Style panel directly below the


Activity Window, data to be transmitted to a sensor can be formatted


to be relayed either As Text or As Hex. Text (character based), Hex,


or a combination of Text and Hexidecimal messages can be sent to a


sensor node.


The data string to be transmitted to a sensor is entered in the


Message field. The actual transfer of the data is initialized by clicking


on the Send button.


The General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pin can be configured for input,


output, or transmit enable (RS-485 applications only) via


MeshManager. The GPIO radio buttons for Off, On, and Don’t


Change. The Insert button is used to insert unprintable characters


into a normal test message. See Appendix A for the ASCII character



As depicted at the bottom left of Figure 10, multiple Sensor Activity windows can be displayed simultaneously. Each window displayed will be identified by displaying a unique MAC address on the window tab for easy identification.