144 Using Message Services
Managing Other Message Settings

Store Your Voicemail Number

To store a voicemail number:
Use pause
dialing to store
your voicemail
access and
PIN numbers
together. See
“Using Pauses
in Numbers” on
page 84.
1. Follow the steps in “Getting to Message
Settings...” to get to Voicemail Number, and
then press O to select. You will see Enter
Voicemail Number followed by your current
voicemail number. If this is the first time you
have stored a number, continue with step 3.
2. Press O to select Voicemail Number.
Press C to clear one digit at a time, or
press and hold C to erase the entire
3. Enter the new number, and then press O.
You will see Completed.
4. Press and hold C to exit the menu.
Note: This feature is network and subscription
dependent in cellular mode. Contact your service
provider for additional information.

Getting to Message Settings...

1. Press ? to go directly to the Messages menu.
Press M until you see Messages, and then press O.
2. Press M to scroll to Message Settings, and then press O.
3. Press M to scroll to one of the features described below.