- Return to the previous screen.
- Record new program or series as shown.
- Show conflicts when the new series is a high priority.
- Show conflicts when the new series is a low priority.
- Don’t record new program or series.
• To give your new recording the highest scheduling priority and to
capture the most number of episodes for your new recording,select
High. The screen will show you how many episodes of the new series
will be recorded and which episodes of the old series will not be
recorded because of the conflict.
• To move the new series back to the bottom of the scheduling priority
list,select Low and the screen will refresh and give you revised results.
• Select the Record Iconto confirm your new settings.
Modify the Series Priority List
To help you manage which series get recorded when there are
scheduling conflicts,your DVR automatically creates a Series
Priority List. The first series you set to record has the highest
priority and is the program recorded in case of a conflict.If there are
no conflicts,each additional series you set to record is added to the
bottom of the list. You can easily change the recording priority of
the programs so that the programs of your choice are recorded in
case of a conflict.
• Select DVR from the Main Menu or Quick Menu.
• Choose Series Priority List.
• Highlight a program and use the Page  buttons on your
remote to modify its priorities.
From here you can change your Series Recording Optionsby
pressing INFO and selecting the options Icon.
Note:If you want to record two series recordings instead of an individual recording that airs at the same time, you must
delete the individual recording from the Scheduled Recordings List(See Cancel a Scheduled Recording section).
View Your List of Scheduled Recordings
• From theMain Menu or Quick Menu, selec t DVR*.
• Select Future Recordings.
• See a list of all the programs you have scheduled to record.
• Select a title to cancel the Scheduled Recording or modify
Recording Options.
* Menu label may vary.