Q.On occasion, a recording starts a minute or two after the program has begun. Why?
A.The DVR timer is synchronized with the program guide time. If a broadcaster starts the program a minute earlier
than the guide’s scheduled time,the DVR will miss that first minute.You can program your DVR to start early or end
late by adjusting your Recording Options.
Q.Only part of my program recorded. Why?
A. If the beginning of the program did not record,you may have set it to record after the program began. If the end
of the program did not record,the DVR may have reached its storage capacity before it was able to record the entire
Q.Do Parental Locks work with DVR?
A.Ye s. Parental Locks restrict viewing of recorded programs. If you schedule a recording for a program you have
Locked,the program will be recorded; however,audio is muted and no video will appear while the program is
recording.A restricted notice remains on screen allowing you to enter your PIN to view the program during the
recording.Once the program has been recorded, you can access it from My Recordings.Just enter your PIN to view.
Note:You can also set Parental Locks on recorded programs.Use the LOCK button on your remote or Lock Icon
from My Recordings or from a Recorded ProgramInformation screen.
Single Tuner DVR Recording and Playback of Recorded Programs (Optional Feature)Q.How many recordings can I schedule for the future?
A.There is no limit to the number of recordings you can schedule as long as you do not schedule more than one
program to record at the same time and you have available recording space.
Q.What if the program I want to record runs over its scheduled airtime such as when a football game goes
into overtime.How can I make sure I record everything?
A. Change the Record Options for the program.Just adjust the start and end times for the recording to ensure
everything gets recorded.
Q.Can I watch another program while I’m recording?
A.You can watch a previously recorded program while you are recording a live program by accessing the DVR menu.
However,if you change channels you will see a screen asking you to confirm you want to change the channel and
stop the recording.
Q.Can I watch a show I am recording before recording is completed?
A.Yes! You can either watch it in “real time”as it’s being recorded or you can rewind the program you are currently
recording and watch it from the beginning while the recording continues.
Q.Can I make a VHS tape of a recorded program?
A.Yes. As you are watching a program you have recorded on your DVR,you can record it to a tape. See “Managing
Your Personal Video Library”in the DVR Section of this manual.
Q.Can I set up my DVR to record every episode of a specific program title?
A.Yes! Your DVR lets you record multiple episodes of a program according to your preference by setting up a Series
Recording.Selec t the episode type to record,such as first run only or all episodes. Specify how many recordings to
save and how long to save the recording - until you erase it or until space is needed.To access advanced series
setup features like add minutes to the start and end times and specify which channels to record,select the
Recording Options Icon to review all options.
Tip:Use Title Search to find all air times for a particular title. You can then set up individual recordings for any or all
episodes,no matter what time they’re on.