Q.What if I missed a Pay-Per-View movie/event that I ordered?
A. If your cable company provides impulse-ordering,you will not be billed for Pay-Per-View on channels that aren’t
tuned.In cities that require phone ordering, you need to call your cable company to cancel Pay-Per-Vieworders.
Check with your cable company to confirm canceling procedures.
On Demand (Optional Feature)
Q.Do my Parental Locks & Purchase PIN settings stay the same for On Demand purchases as with regular
A.Ye s. PINs and settings apply to On Demand ratings and purchases.
Q.What if I only watched 15 minutes of my On Demand program and didn’t get to watch the rest before it
A.You will have to order it again. Refer to the On Demand section in this manual for more information on remaining
rental and viewing times.
Q.If I get to the end of an On Demand program and want to watch it again, can I restart at the beginning?
A.Yes, as long as your viewing period has not expired,you may watch it as often as you like.
Q.How do I return to watching an On Demand program after I’ve tuned to another channel?
A. Select My Rentals from the On Demand Menu and choose the program you want to continue watching.You can
either begin watching where you left off by selecting Resume,or start over with the Restart.
Q.Some of the programs appear in the listings with a checkmark or a dollar sign next to the title. What does
this mean?
A. Depending on the services your cable provider offers,you may see a checkmark or a dollar sign to indicate a
program you have ordered.
Q.How many On Demand programs can I order at one time?
A.Typically, there is no limit on purchases.Check with your cable operator for system-specific ordering information.
Q.I tried to order an On Demand program and received an error screen that said,“Unable to Process Request”.
What does this mean?
A.The “Unable to Process Request” message occurs when the set-top box is unable to communicate with the On
Demand equipment at your cable company.Try turning your set-top box off and then on again.If the message
appears again,note the time it appeared and the action you took and call your cable operator.
Q.When I selected a category from the On Demand Menu, I received a message that said,“No Program
Listings Available”. Why does this happen?
A. If there are no programs available for this particular category,this message will appear.
DVR and Digital Services
Q.I currently record programs on my VCR.How is a DVR different?
A. Your DVR Cable Box takes recording technology to a new level, capturing picture and sound digitally (for a
superior result to tape-based recording) and allowing greater viewing flexibility. You can also press Instant Replay to
review the last 15 seconds or rewind to see a scene again.Yet you won't miss a moment of the program,because the
DVR keeps recording the current broadcast while you pause,rewind or replay scenes. No VCR can do that!
Q.How do I return to live TV when I'm watching recorded programming?
A.Simply press the LIVE or button on your remote.
Q.How do I record a Pay-Per-View (PPV) broadcast?
A. PPV broadcasts must be recorded manually;you cannot schedule automatic recording in advance. Follow your
cable operator's instructions for viewing PPV content,then press Record on your remote.
Q.How does the Parental Locks feature work?
A. Parental Locks allow you to block programs from being viewed. Locks are based on a program's title, rating and
channel. See Parental Locks on page 31 of this manual.